

since circa 2005
Shukov began in a bedroom during the winter of 2004. Leigh Denholm holed himself up and slowly began experimenting and writing songs. After growing frustrated with attempts to form a band to play these new creations, he opted to go into the studio and craft his songs, and worry about who would play them later. Hejira drummer Tim Rich was entrusted with midwifing the project. Recording began in April 2005 at Studio Rich, over the course of which Tim's valuable contributions were joined by Steve Watts of In Medias Res and symphony darling Johanna Polkki. Mixing was finally done in October 2005 at Vogville by Tim Rich, with mastering done at Vogville by Jonathan Fluevog, and the E.P. Do Not Fold was ready. Midway through recording Leigh realized that in order to keep up momentum, the dreaded band assembly needed to be done sooner rather than later. Contact was made with old schoolmate and drummer John Cullen, who pleasantly fit the bill. Sweaty two-piece practices began in the Cullen family garage, and attention was turned to other members. Jo Polkki held down the bass for the first few months, with shows beginning in the fall of 2005, and was replaced by Matthew McDaniel (... more...

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