

Frederick is an unassignable cavalier; loyal to no single muse other than his own psychological extremes, interweaving both contemporary and eclectic electronic elements with more traditional pop. His sound’s genesis is arboreal, but it pulsates with an urban chic; having been raised in the forests of rural British Columbia and living in Sweden and England has given his music an indefinable dualistic presence. Melding classic songwriting with the myopia of a loner in love with his laptop, Frederick breathes life into static, digital sounds.

Given carte blanche by Light Organ Records, Frederick has repeatedly barricaded himself inside the studio for long graveyard shifts, powered by nothing but his skill and obsessive love of his art. His work is both modern and lasting – a marriage that most songwriters find elusive. The dichotomous nature of Frederick is evidenced on his upcoming debut release; it’s either loud, strong and distorted, or clean, delicate and organic. Whether it sways the listener straight into a waltz-y dream or drills a melody into the heart, the collective product is elating.

Working alone in tiny control rooms without a team of experts guiding his work, Frederick gives new meaning to the phrase “do it yourself”. In the end, the music is for him, and is judged only by him. The chip on his shoulder helps makes certain executive decisions, and the final product is only ever bounced off one person: Frederick. As both artist and producer, it could prove difficult to gauge one’s own creative output (the creator always swaying back and forth on the validity of the product), but to Frederick, “twenty percent of love is worth the eighty percent of hating yourself.”

His forthcoming full-length debut release is set to drop later this year.
Available for Shows/Gigs
other sites: myspace

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