

Label: Hydra Head
Unhindered by the impositions of the vocal yoke, Chicago instro-sorcerers Pelican transcend the limits of time and space to expound upon the stunning finesse and painstaking subtlety with which they command their already indelible sonic signature. Restoring instrumental composition to its former glory is no insignificant task, and to do so with such remarkable authority and presence is a testament to the sheer will and unmitigated talent of Pelican's membership. Levying cinematic melody upon glacial heaviness, they achieve the sort of inevitability usually reserved for weather systems and natural disasters. Channeling the seasonal progressions of various far-flung landscapes, the sounds of Pelican are easily adaptable to both the active and passive listening experience, but their harmonic minutiae are best appreciated in a high-volume stereophonic headphone scenario. Pelican's seemingly sudden arrival on the Windy City's (and now the world's) underground circuit was in fact a deliberate agenda shift propagated by Laurent Lebec (guitar), Trevor de Brauw (guitar), and Larry Herweg (drums), then three-quarters of the bizarre grind squad Tusk (for further listening, procure Tusk's G... more...

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