
Thorazine - Alberta

"From the realm of ice and snow of Calgary, Alberta comes forth a new hope for the return of the Death Metal scene in Canada. Injecting the population with aggressive music like no other band in their domain, the dominance of Thorazine as the next great Death act in western Canada becomes evident as soon as the first notes rip through the air. The progressive metal of Thorazine began in 1996 and has been a slowly rising force in Western Canada. The band has been proving themselves time and time again winning fans and the respect of the normally non-thrash/death metal venues, zines and media. Addicts come from afar to get a taste of the morbidality of the band and the surge of the music, but they crave more, a recording. The band has answered these cries for a fix with the forthcoming release �Seed the Black Sky�. But this is not enough, Thorazine addicts have started to take measures into their own hands as bootleg videos and cassette tapes of the bands shows are infecting the region, showing up in the underground market and radio. The 9 track C.D. has been grately anticipated by the impatient masses, and as the release is distributed Thorazine makes plans for the first leg of ... more...
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Shane Hawco
- Vocals
Joe Sikorski
Matt McDonald