

since circa 1991
Grimegod was created in the autumn of 1991 by Tibor (vocals) and Hoit (guitar) and was considered the first doom death band in Romania . Between 1992-1993 Do (guitar), Cipri (bass), Gabor (tobe), Andy (clape), Aniela (female vocalist) joined the band and Grimegod performs several concerts.

In 1994 the first demo of the band “Never Come Back” is released and over 500 copies are sold. In the same year, Grimegod participates in the legendary TV show IMN from TVR and wins second place with the song “Godless Cry”. This song also entered the top positions of HMM and VoxPopRock magazines. In 1995 the first self produced album “Under the Sad and Silent Sky” is released and is sold in over 1000 copies. With this album the band definitely writes a page in the history book of the Romanian underground metal scene. In the same year the band takes part in TopT, SamFest, MetalFan festivals and wins a prize at each one of them. The following album “Dreamside of Me” by Bestial Records is issued in 1997. The album is sold in over 1500 copies, becoming the best sold Grimegod album.

In 1998 the band is reduced to 3 members because of the lack of perseverance of the other members and so the drum machine era begins. This will extend over a few years. “The Darkside”, an experimental album is issued containing old songs wrapped differently. This work does not meet the expected success. Several concerts take place but in an odd formula including beside the members, Tibor, Hoit and Tilo, a drum machine and a computer. Grimegod reaches outside the Romanian borders performing at festivals in Hungary joining bands as Sear Bliss or Nevergreen.

The next album “With Broken Wings” by Bestial Records is issued in the year 2000 following the same experimental pattern. In 2002 the formula is reestablished with a drummer so the drum machine trend disappears for good from the Grimegod history. Next, in 2004 Grimegod issues 2 new songs on the Arad Rock Evolution compilation by Taboo Records. In the same year, Grimegod band opens the Mystic Circle concert. In the following years, specifically in 2006 the band issues “Cosmar Prefabricat” and opens a Tiamat concert.

In 2007 Hoit (guitar) decides to leave the band leaving Tibor the only founding member in the band. Grimegod performs that year in Greece at Metal Healing festival on the same stage with Destruction, The Haunted and Pentagram. In 2008, Grimegod performs in a mini-tour with Crossover ( Greece ) and Krepuskul (Ro). During the summer of 2008 the band opens the Crematory and Lake of Tears concerts. In the same year Grimegod begins the recording for the new “Roads” album.

Recently, in 2009 Hoit (guitar) rejoins the band and celebrating 18 years of existence, the band starts an anniversary tour. This same year the first album “Under the Sad and Silent Sky” is re-mastered but never produced. In 2010 the anniversary tour continues until Hoit (guitar) and Ted (drums) leave the band. Their place is filled with success by Alex (drums) and Jet (guitar).

In 2011, the band finishes recording the album "Wrong Roads". Vartan (drums) took over the place of Alex. Since then, the band had several concerts in this new arrangement, participating in Romania's finals for Global Battle of the Bands. At the start of 2012, Jetu (guitar) left the band, Gabi taking over the rhythm guitar parts.

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