
Zimmer's Hole

A death metal parody by Jed Simon and Byron Stroud of Strapping Young Lad, Zimmers Hole has an overabundance of great riffs, searing vocals and toilet humour.

It's just a hilarious speed-metal channel-clicker of conceptual madness from start to finish -- a little profane, a little funny, but hilarious if you can spot the [metal] references ... pure old-school buffoonery."
- Martin Popoff, Chart (Canada)

"Remember when you were young, like, pre-puberty and post ... whatever, and were really, really angry with your parents or parole officer? Well, 'Bound by Fire' is what it might have sounded like if you had a guitar at that time. And had the guys in Zimmers Hole as friends... A bit like Toy Dolls on acid... If I ever get to compile a sound track for an X-rated movie, I'll have Zimmers Hole doing Milli Vanilli covers."
- Fredrik; misses his coffee machine (Sweden)

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Jed Simon