
Tom Bagley

Tom Bagley has been creating illustrations for a variety of projects and events professionally since 1988, when he graduated from the Alberta College of Art and Design (despite rumors that he was hatched from a fossilized egg found in the Burgess Shale, dating back to the Middle Cambrian age). Having latched onto lifelong interests in the usual boyhood pursuits of dinosaurs, spook shows and naked ladies at quite an early age, Tomb has been consistent in his vision of creating clear, concise and (usually) entertaining (depending on the project) solutions to pretty much any problem presented to him by editors, art directors and curators, as well as struggling musician-types.

Drawing inspiration (but not actually copying) from such sources as old pulp and paperback illustrations, as well as vintage animation/advertising design, Bagley is able to combine a sought-after "vintage" look with modern subject matter, using a variety of modern and traditional commercial illustration techniques.

Having lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada since 1974 (after being chased out of Southern Ontario by angry, torch-wielding villagers), he has been active in the local publishing and music scenes, as well as having worked with clients from such places as NYC, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto, Poland, Spain and England, all without the benefit of having advertised for his services. "This stuff just lands in my lap! What the hell!". Not one to rest on his laurels, he figured it was about time to get a website up and running, and maybe he'd be able attract some attention from places of interest such as Spusm and Yokohama.

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