

Label: Heavenly Recordings
since circa 2012
"Doing something different with a pop song, breaking the convention of verses and choruses– it's something we always keep in mind when we're recording,” says bassist Tom Warmsley, who founded Temples with singer/guitarist James Bagshaw in the summer of 2012. Looking like a West Coast psych band, Temples bear all the hallmarks of cosmic travellers. There's the band name, for starters, there are track titles that sound like JG Ballard novels (Prisms, The Golden Throne, Sun Structures) and there's the fact that they take incense sticks on the road with them. But if all of the above suggests Temples are backwards-looking, think again. The Kettering four-piece's music is a mix of scuzzy glam stomp, dreamy, 12-string-drenched folk-rock, droning psych and more – all given a 2013 spin. Retro is a dirty word. "Psychedelic music has always been forward thinking," says Tom. "|t's so easy to fall into that kind of revival band thing, but our aim is to reference these things and bring something completely new to it. A song like Sun Structures talks about something contemporary using old imagery and eastern religion. It isn't a fictional work that people won't be able to find anyth... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

James Bagshaw
2012 - present
Thomas Warmsley
2012 - present
Adam Smith
2012 - present
Samuel Toms
2012 - present