
Blood on the Wall

Blood On The Wall is a brother and a sister and a brother. Courtney Shanks (bass, vocals) met Miggy Littleton (drums, vocals) on the way home from shopping for records with her girlfriends. As they got off their stop on the L-train, she noticed a man selling records on the corner. That man was Miggy. Once her friends got done throwing themselves at him, Courtney and Miggy struck up a conversation about music and soon became best friends and band mates. Meanwhile, back in Lawrence, Kansas, Brad Shanks (guitar, vocals) had just graduated from college and was in the middle of a four month long drinking binge. He couldn't find a job and all the girls in town knew his reputation (you wouldn't date him either if you knew), so he accidentally wrecked his car, got the insurance money, and within a month moved into his sisters apartment in Williamsburg, NY. And then the world shot up into flames. The name Blood On The Wall came about when Brad and Miggy were happily driving around listening to Slick Rick. It was then that the age-old game of coming up with the best band name ensued. Blood On The Wall was not the best or funniest, but before they knew it they were telling eve... more...

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