

Label: Napalm Records
A lot has happened with Dutch band Delain since they unleashed their second album April Rain on the masses in 2009. An extensive headliner tour of Europe was followed by euphorically received tours of North and South America. The live impressions and pure energy that all this activity brought the band is now clearly audible in the material featured on their new material, the band’s third. Delain took the time they needed to make We Are The Others, by far the most powerful, atmospheric and irresistible album of their career! All this despite the fact that the old music biz adage still holds…ah yes, the “difficult” third album! Delain’s musical mastermind and keyboardist Martijn Westerholt nods in agreement. “For me these were the recording sessions from hell! I was working with a producer for the first time, so I had to let go of so many things. That’s not easy for a control freak like me!”, says Martijn, who mastered the situation brilliantly, despite any difficulties. Singer Charlotte Wessels also laughs and says, “Yeah, I already heard the same old wives’ tale about the second album! But honestly, we have the perfect songs, songs that will blow away everyth... more...

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