
The Summerlad

since circa 1999
The Story So Far... Chapter 1: The "Unfurl The Flag of Righteousness" Era... The Summerlad is a rock and roll group from the heart of the prairies - corn-fed, high minded and possessed by a drive to rise above their flatland surroundings. The frontman for this effort, P7, caused quite a stir in local circles when his former combo, The Primrods, signed a deal with those city slickers in LA, Geffen Records. The result was a fantastic album of wicked guitar sounds that was submerged in a sea of indifference and plain old "What the hell do we do with this, boys?" P7 got up, brushed himself off and, in the heady days of 1999, allied himself with the chaps who were to join him as The Summerlad. Why? Because he just might be too dumb to quit. So the 'Lads have been a growing concern ever since, impressing a lot of people and influencing a small cult of rock and roll aficionados with their brand of "barbed wire art rock". Naturally, these boys took their prairie squall on the road and have traversed this country and the big neighbour below us six times, sweating blood on the stage in ove... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Liz Collins
2007 - present