

since circa 2004
Reborn from dead punk/ska/what-have-you bands, BOGART! has a lot of experience to draw from. They’ve done all else they can stand, and have found their way home to the comfortable nook of rock n roll. Their live show has been compared to “early SNFU,” and they wouldn’t have it any other way: dynamic, intense, and sincere. Honest songs about minimum wage, cheap living, and all the other bullshit that’s necessary to get on the stage and on the road come easy, as they spill their guts on a relatable and realistic level.

It’s important to BOGART! that they find something new in their roots. That being said, BOGART! really loves the Bellrays, Motorhead, Billy Holiday, the Buzzcocks, the New BombTurks, the Browns, SNFU, the Who, and many others.

Expect to see a full length released this Fall (2005), with Miesha (vox) , Matt (guitar), Angus (bass), and Justin (drums) hopping into their van for an indefinite amount of time.

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