
Cari Burdett

Vocals Professional
Cari Burdett lives through music. She mixes dashing personal energy, passion for community, and love of collaboration into her diverse musical outpourings as a vocalist, producer, teacher and collaborator. Cari has a significant background in operatic and vocal training. She graduated from McGill University and earned her Master’s of Music Performance from the Royal Academy of Music in London, England where she studied a varied repertoire with a focus on new music. Through her studies, she has earned numerous awards including the Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund, the Sir Richard Stapley Trust Award, the Adah Rogalsky Scholarship, the Anglo American Families Award, the major Van Someran-Godfrey Prize for English song, and the Blythe-Buesst Opera Prize. With a strong performance presence, Cari’s passion for contemporary music and opera have also garnered her star reviews for the role of Baba the Turk in Stravinsky’s “The Rake’s Progress,” performed in London, England. Equally, at home she has been praised for her early music operatic roles of Monteverdi and Handel. As well as singing with national and international orchestras, conductors, and organizations, Cari ... more...
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