
Tolan McNeil

As a songwriter, he stands on par with Gordon Lightfoot on an ether binge. His wild guitar pickin' has been likened to riding a shopping cart down a steep gravelly hill and making it to the bottom in one piece. Live, he's as Country as a nitro-powered threshing machine, and as Rock as, well... a rock... a rock that's been thrown through a cop shop window. Put them together and you get a high octane concoction known in these parts as "Truck Rock". You can add it to the list of things that make Baby Jesus cry.
Active / Available

Community Events

Current Projects

David P. Smith & Mansmell
Guitar, 80's pedal board, balls, heart

Past Projects

1993 - 1999
Mission of Christ
1983 - 1989
Dogbreath Brothers
Upright bass, lap steel, vocals, balls out, the bad farts, drunken antics, smarter than the rest