
The Weedies

Scott Holman gave up hockey to play music at age 15 when the coach told him he had to cut his hair or not be on the team. Smart move. The Weedies vocalist/guitarist and founder’s true talents lie in all things Rock & Roll. Holman, a self professed “bi-polar frontman: sometimes erratic sometimes sensitive” is all the time entertaining. “Everyone’s a show off - we're all entertainers. We don't just play music, we perform music. It's all about the show for us.” Good to know. While many rock bands suffer from style over substance, The Weedies don’t waste time painting their fingernails black, they’d rather hone their act and be ready when it comes time to deliver live. “The cruise control is stuck on and we’re flying around the corners just barely keeping the wheels on the road. We’re a bit dangerous... it's common for one of us to be bleeding after a set.” An exciting live show is isn’t all The Weedies have to offer, their brand of manic, melodic, guitar fuzz rock is steeped with musical talent honed over time. As a teen, Holman was singing to the Beatles White Album almost every day. Wanting to emulate his childhood heroes (Guns n’ Roses, The Beatles, Sex Pistols, The Doors, and Stone Temple Pilots) he started his first band at age 14 after his uncle gave him a drum kit. The turning point, ‘hair cut for hockey’ or ‘rebellion and rock & roll’ came when he saw a little know act called Guns n’ Roses open for Iron Maiden. The impression of the kicking, screaming and fighting Axl Rose remains Holman’s most memorable concert experience. “I've always been drawn to the honesty of out of control singers.” enthuses Holman. Since then members of The Weedies, have individually been involved with many bands of note including SNFU, Econoline Crush, Village Idiot (who went on to become millionaires under another moniker) The Real Mackenzie’s, Bif Naked, and Static In Stereo. Other musician friends and hanging out at Charts Music rehearsal space was what brought The Weedies together. “We struggled awhile with names - I wanted a name that was a bit dirty but not one that would scare people away“ recalls Holman. One night of brainstorming (and brain blastin’) did the trick. “Not that I'm into corrupting little kids to smoke weed or lead an abusive lifestyle but we've all lived the wasted lifestyle...not something I'm exactly proud of...but that's just the way it's been.” he readily admits. It’s that kind of honesty that comes across in songs like ‘I Will’ with the immediacy of distorted power chords driving throughout the 3 minute rocker and ‘New Gun’ whose theme of perseverance is delivered with vulnerable raw emotion. With a lifestyle worthy of reputation, stellar music and exceptional live, this band is the real deal. Joining Holman and rounding out The Weedies are bass player Ken Fleming and drummer Scotty MacCargar. “Just getting this group of individuals together, surrounding myself with this kind of talent has been my main focus...now that it’s set we can begin our next journey of winning the hearts of more fans. Playing in The Weedies, I can stay creative and keep performing, which is my drug of choice… fuck hockey.”
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Scott Holman
vocals & guitar