
Jungle Rot

The Midwest based quartet JUNGLE ROT have garnered a large and loyal following within the last 10 years due in large part to having a style more similar to acts such as Slayer and Sodom, rather than the typical Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation rip-offs that the underground extreme music scene is so oversaturated with. The sound and attitude that JUNGLE ROT have exposed the public to is one of efficiency and execution. JUNGLE ROT have never tried to be the goriest or most technical band in the extreme underground, but instead have focused on flowing grooves and infectious, catchy songwriting. In 1995, JUNGLE ROT released their first full-length demo/album, "Skin The Living", to rave reviews. This, coupled with the bands explosive live performances, led to a recording deal in 1998 with Pulverizer Records. They immediately released their second full-length album, "Slaughter The Weak", which helped them garner a rabid underground following. After enjoying promising and successful sales from the record, JUNGLE ROT was let down when Pulverizer Records closed it's doors. At this time, independent label Pavement Records stepped up and re-released "Slaughter The Weak" for the band. Pro... more...

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Current Lineup

Dave Matrise
James Genenz
Bass/Backing Vocals
Geoff Bub
Guitar/Backing Vocals