
Jennifer Cendaña Armas

Jennifer Cendaña Armas is an actor, dancer, singer, writer, and community worker from nyc. her play,skinimin12, was featured in the 2004 downtown urban theatre festival and is preparing the release of her first book of poetry (as of yet untitled) coming january 2005. she has worked and performed with great poets such as reg e. gaines, jessica care moore, willie perdomo, universes, and rha goddess and has had her poetry featured nationwide and in england, including lincoln center's la casita, new jersey performing arts' annual hip hop festival, nuyorican poets cafe, bowery poetry club, bar 13 (nyc), world stage (l.a.), lizard lounge (boston), speakeasy (london), ladyfest bristol, and black family channel's spoken. publications include AWOL magazine, nyu's review of law and social change, monsoon, aesthetica magazine and x magazine. jennifer also tours with the award winning performance collective, mango tribe (www.mangotribe.com). she recently danced with the renowned urban bush women for their production of "are we democracy?" at the brooklyn museum of art. jennifer has also danced with tappers such as savion glover, jason samuels smith, omar and dormeisha edwards, and ayodele casel. theatre credits include mango tribe's sisters in the smoke, the vengeance of mami wata, and let 'da rhythm hit 'em. jennifer also works with youth in the lower east side as well as building with and teaching arts/activism/politics workshops in schools, prisons, and community based organizations throughout the country

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