
Ken Aldcroft

Instruments: Guitar details
Ken Aldcroft
Ken Aldcroft is fast becoming one if this country's most interesting electric guitarists.
Randal McIlroy, Coda Magazine

Aldcroft has a distinct and unique touch for high-level jazz composition, arrangements and artistry.
Laurence M. Svirchev, Planet Jazz

Time will tell whether Aldcroft will make music that is as passionate and timeless as that of Carlos Santana- or Charlie Parker, for that matter. But with his open attitude and ability to synthesize the old and the new, he's well on his way.
Alex Varty, the Georgia Straight

I'm tempted to make comparisons with another young guitarist, Ben Monder, who exerts remarkable restraint, yet never seems to lose his grip in the proceedings.
Jeff Morris, 52nd Street Jazz

... an airy quality to his playing, at times sounding like John Abercrombie.
Marke Andrews, Vancouver Sun

...(Aldcroft is) a master of eclecticism, able to speak in the language of nuanced free improvisation one minute, followed by Stan Getz inflected Bop the next, followed by a touch of atmospheric puffed clouds.
Steven Loewy, Cadence Magazine

Guitarist / improviser / composer / producer Ken Aldcroft has been a part of the Toronto jazz and improvised music community since 2001 and with several tours and recordings under his belt since 1997 he has become an integral part of the national creative music scene. His latest projects include the Ken Aldcroft Convergence Ensemble an improvising quintet that also incorporates composed material into their performances. Four in One a duo project with drummer Dave Clark performing the Thelonious Monk songbook and performing in ad hoc improvised music meetings whenever the opportunity presents itself.

As well as continually collaborating with various artists from the world of word, dance, film and video Ken has performed/collaborated with a wide array of both national and international musicians and artists; including Kris Elgstrand, Ensemble Independent, June Pak, Out of Order, Ronda Rindone, Claude Ranger, Peggy Lee, Ron Samworth, Kate Hammett-Vaughan, Paul Hession, Michael Snow, Andy Haas, George McFetridge, Francois Houle, Dylan van der Schyff, John Korsrud, Wolter Wierbos, Gene Smith, Skip Beckwith, Jean Derome, Glen Hall, Tony Wilson, David Prentice, Bob Tildesly, Ron Samsom, Eric Chenaux, Tom Chant, Brad Muirhead, David Mott, Victor Bateman, Kevin Turcotte, Lori Freedman, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Paul Cram, Tim Posgate, Rob Clutton, Nick Fraser, Brodie West, Jean Martin, Justin Haynes, John Oswald, Marylin Lerner, Rueben Radding and Tom Arthurs.

Ken Aldcroft resume as a word document

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