
jeff gordon

Guitar Advanced Amateur
Knobs and Dials Advanced Amateur
Composition/Songwriting Advanced Amateur
Piano/Keyboards Advanced Amateur
Other: percussion, voice

My name is Jeff Im 29 years old from Victoria.
Im looking to collaborate on some musical endeavours with anyone who is into to it.
To give ya a bit of info on my "chops";
I have been playing guitar for about 10 years, singing since I was a wee one, playing keys for about 5 years,
Tweeking & knob twidlin for about the same.

I was trained for audio engineering msic production thru CDIS in vancouver, where I gained employment as an audio tech for two years after I finished my program. I worked as a location sound operator during the same time, and worked on my own musical projects. For a number of years I was producing electronic music, and gigging as a Live performance artist.

About 2 years ago, I sold off all my electronic equipment to buy a van so that my wife son and I could travel about.
We just got back from mexico in december 06 and now Im ready to start collaborating.
Now a dayz Im pretty much acoustic, and want to explore more in that facet.
Though not limited as I wasnt to get back into electronic stuff.

My influences are all over the place, but most notably I like to play funky, folky acoustic with a touch o blues.

Currently loving anything from the Arts & Crafts Label;
Broken social scene, jason collett, the dears, Rocky votalato, Jack johnson, G love, Bob marley, just to name a few.
I am looking for peeps for casual jamming with the intention of working on serious projects & end result of getting some kinda band together.

250 294 9803
Email: Banyantruthproductions@hotmail.com

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