
Ian Follis

After leaving Victoria in mid 1958, Ian transferred to the Vancouver local and played on the mainland and in the interior of B.C. until 1967 when he moved to Nanaimo and got involved with the Nanaimo Concert Band, a dixieland group, and several small groups doing hotel and dance gigs. In 1970 it was off to Kelowna where he helped form (and played with), the Okanagan Mission Big Band Society as well as the usual gigging. He then transferred to the Hamilton, Ontario local where he played with various groups in the area until transferring back to the Vancouver local in the late '70's. By the early '80's he had hooked up with the 15th Field Artillery Band, Metropolitan Concert Band, West Vancouver Pops, and Peter Murray's Big Band. By the '90's he was playing with the Milleraires Big Band (for 16 years), and the Sentimental Journey, Stardust, and Paper Moon Orchestras. Since then, while still with the Sentimental Journey Big Band, he added Route 66 and the Roaring 20's Jazz Band as regular committments, and still subs or gigs with other groups. If asked what career highlights were, they were the first time playing the "Roof" at the Hotel Vancouver as well as at various other premiu... more...

Community Events

Current Projects

Milleraires Big Band
1970 - present

Past Projects

Ron Tuele & The Monarchs
1957 - 1958