

A toxin is not the creation of this band, but a definition of the music itself. We use our songs as an emotional outlet, to rid ourselves of the negativity crawling within. The result is a musical explosion of passion and energy when Toxin hits the stage. Cam's powerful voice and emotionally charged lyrics front the band with the intense groove of Lex's bass and the soaring melodic guitar of Travis filling in the blanks. The dynamic and potent rhythms of Damian provide the foundation of Toxin's energetic rock sound. Toxin brings music back to what it is meant to be: an art form. Beautiful yet disturbing, Toxin�s music can be heartfelt and emotional, yet overwhelmingly powerful in the same instance. It is this force that binds the group, and this force thatbrings to light the energy that Toxin transcend with their music.

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