

Stand up Comic and Weed Diva Watermelon, is Lenny Bruce meets Rusty Warren On a clothing optional beach,” and she is very now. Once voted one of Vancouver’s “Top Ten Most Dangerous People” by Loop Magazine Jan 2001. She’s our holy bible HIGH TIMES cover and calendar girl for 2003 Appearing thrice in Amsterdam for the coveted Cannabis Cups as MC. She does yoga in East Van and henceforth lives in the near vicinity. Maybe you’ve caught one of her Cabarets of questionable taste for instance The BAKED GOODS CABARERET, The GROW SHOW, or The PINK SHOW Listened to her on “Talk Radio for Guys.” (Insert station number) bought melon slices or ginger snaps off her on Wreck Beach, or seen her cracking the funnies at one of your local stand up comedy spots. Every year since the beginning she is honored to hand out the awards for the “Wreck Beach Bare Buns Run” Canada’s first and only nude marathon. She started cracking funnies on the outskirts of the middle of nowhere and has now appeared on “Passengers” a documentary style TV show out of the UK, that features up and coming sub culture icons. She is now the proud new mother of a cooking show titled “Baked ... more...

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