
Sometime After Sundown

since circa 2009
Sometime After Sundown (SAS) is the brainchild of Seah Maister, Jenna Earle and Karli Rose MacIntosh.

Originating in Nelson, BC, a hotbed of music and creativity, SAS was a three piece comprised of Maister, Earle, and MacIntosh. After a relocation to Vancouver, and with the addition of Tim Riopelle on bass, SAS began to build what has become their signature sound.

Citing varied influences such as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Queens of the Stone Age, Fleet Foxes, Opeth, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, SAS draws upon the essence of music from decades past. Their harmony heavy compositions strike a unique balance of soft and heavy, darkness and light.

Between touring to California to play the Avocado Festival, recording in the summer and fall of 2012, and finishing their first EP in Vancouver at Nimbus, (available March 2013), SAS has really begun to evolve. With their first EP, and the release of SAS's heavier electric sound, the gals and Tim are extremely excited for this year's events!
other sites: myspace

Community Events

Current Lineup

Seah Maister
2009 - present
Jenna Earle
2009 - present
Karli Rose MacIntosh
2009 - present
Tim Riopelle
2012 - present