
Bill Baird

Do you know Bill Baird, former “madman-in-chief”(NME) of Capitol Records casualties Sound Team, and kaleidoscopic pop-doctors Sunset? Are you familiar with the breadth, depth, humor, and history that courses through his “magnetically awkward” (Village Voice) catalog of songs? Perhaps you own Movie Monster, or maybe you grabbed a handmade copy of Sunset’s Bright Blue Dream, or any of the dozens of charming, self-released albums Baird has been lovingly committing to tape for well over a decade. Perhaps you saw Bill in the critically-acclaimed documentary ECHOTONE, or bumped into him on campus at Mills College in Oakland, where he currently studies under experimental music legends like Pauline Oliveros and James Fei. Known and revered for his twisted humor, eccentric pop melodies, and ramshackle analog flair, Baird typically chooses to produce his records as fast and loose as possible to optimize creative results. March 5th, 2013, however sees the arrival of a new chapter in Baird’s deep discography, an album two full years in the making called SPRING BREAK OF THE SOUL, to be released on a new label – Austin’s buzzed-about Pau Wau Records. Q: So, what happens whe... more...

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