

since circa 2003
Kersey's formation in 2003 followed the death of vocalist Jody Taylor's earlier band. After having attended Strain's reunion and final show, guitarist Kris approached Jody, asking him to come out and front a new band he'd been working on for a while. Since the final nail had been driven deep into Strain's coffin, and having enjoyed being active in a band again, Jody agreed.

Things started off slowly, but over the following months the band's sound and lineup began to come together.

Kersey played its first show in the beginning of the summer of 2004. Shortly after the group's first show the band hit the studio with Vancouver producer Blair Calibaba (Gob, Sum 41, Propagandhi, By A Thread). Kersey entered Lemon Loaf Studios at the end of the summer, recording and mixing a three-song demo with Calibaba in three days. A copy of the demo was passed on to Let It Burn Records, the result of which is Kersey's forthcoming Jesse Gander-recorded five-song CD EP, entitled Bloodshot, which is slated for release in the spring of 2005.

Jody – vocals | Kris – guitar | Scott – guitar | Aaron – bass | Dave – drums
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Jody Taylor
2003 - The End
Kris Kersey
2003 - The End
Scott Kersey
2003 - The End
Aaron Kersey
2003 - The End
Dave Kersey
2003 - The End