

J Boog is a man of many influences. The singer of Samoan descent was born in Long Beach and raised in Compton, California. Growing up in the rough streets of Compton, the strong sense of tradition and culture that J Boog absorbed from his family was instrumental in his path to stay off the streets and begin a successful music career. At the age of four, after hearing his older sister playing the piano, he developed an interest and started watching her and learning about music. Soon, J was singing along to the notes & melodies he heard his sister play. A while later, she brought home a Bob Marley song book. Even at this young age, J knew Bob's name and his music. Upon hearing his sister begin to play, something clicked inside J. He hasn't been the same since. The first time J Boog performed in front of an audience, he was nine years old. It was a large family reunion at a church and there were about 200 people present. J's mother and sister insisted for him to sing Whitney Houston's "One Moment In Time" and J obliged them. Though he was nervous, it went quite well. J Boog's music career became serious in 2005, when a couple of brothers from his neighborhood brought him to o... more...

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