
Terry Wicks

Composition/Songwriting Professional
Guitar Professional
Piano/Keyboards Professional
Flute Semi-Pro
TERRY WICKS Musician / PRODUCER Short Bio Terry Wicks began his musical career in Victoria in the early '70's, fronting various bands (1963)“The Gents”, (1964) “The Prerafalite Movement”,1965”Ken Tahony Band”,1975 “Sling Shot” 1977”Southern Comfort”and also performing as a single artist. Terry also recored over 20 of his tunes on “The Daybreak Show” with Bruce Payne at CHECK T.V. Terry helped design and build Victoria's Keye Studios, where he engineered, and in 1980 recorded a single, 'Freezin' Cold Blues" and "Island Magic", receiving local media attention. In 1982 he moved to Vancouver and enhanced his musical carreer recording his first record at Mushroom Studios "The Best Of Both Sides", received airplay localy C-JAZZ and nationwide, as well as in Europe, Japan and the U.S.A.. To date Terry has recorded a 2nd. C.D. “Burning Both Ends” and is writing for film, Commercials and enjoying the life in Vancouver . CAREEER HIGHLIGHTS Finale Post Edit Works Audio Post production Stratford Technologies Audio Post Production (manager) E&S Inc Technical advisor Image Media Producti... more...
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Community Events

Past Projects

The Emotions
Pre Raphaelite Movement
1966 - 1967