
Twenty Years Ago, Today

"You're only as old as the ones you feel!"
It's time to tease up your hair and forget the stock exchange as you party to the hits of the Reagonomic era. Experienced, versatile musicians faithfully recreate the party favourites of the era that made greed and cocaine synonymous with success!
We are able to provide full production for any size booking, from a private function, to a seven hundred seater dance hall.
Call today for prices and bookings.
Broken Up

Past Members

Anthony Smith "Sumyungai"
Bass, Vox, Tyrant
2004 - 2007
Martin Brennan
Drums, Vox
2004 - 2007
Eileen Whelan
Keyboards, Vox, Percussion
2004 - 2007
Leighton Smith- Pilling
2004 - 2007
Unlinked Musician
Trumpet, Vox, Percussion
2004 - 2007
Lisa Olsen
Sax, Vox, Percussion
2004 - 2007
Luis San Cherne
Trombone, Vox, Percussion
2004 - 2007
Jeff Scott
Guitars, Electronics
2004 - 2007
Anna Sorensen
Vox, Percussion
2004 - 2007
Tina Sorensen
Vox, Percussion
2004 - 2007

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