
Robin Ellis

My name is Robin Ellis, born in Seattle, WA. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was 11 years old. I have been mostly influenced by the music and songs of the sixties, seventies and some eighties and particlularly of course, Dylan, Hendrix, Lennon, Marley and Neil Young to drop a few names. I have recorded 10 albums of my own material, some of which I play all instruments, drums, bass, keys, bamboo flute and acoustic and electric guitars and then I sing lead and backing vocals. A couple of my albums have a host of vary talented musicians, for instance, my second album has Guy Johnson, a great guitarist from Seattle (also my uncle and guitar teacher) playing some great solos, Sacha Petulli with some sweet sax work, Theresa Carel graces the third track "You Can't Keep a Secret" with her backing vocals and my good friend, Jon Gee plays keys. At the end of the second track "The Cat is Out of the Bag", my guitar solo kind of morphs into a Mark Johnson guitar solo and he takes it the rest of the way out. It reminds me of a Steely Dan groove with Larry Carlton, jazzy and tasty. Mark is Guy's older brother and my guitar teacher as well. Another one of my albums, "The Underground Rainbow Factory", has the same lineup of artists as well, with 2 songs that Neil Young has linked to his website on the "Living with War" page, "Power of the People" and "Shadow of a Madman". There is also a link in Neil Young's website to a performance I did at "Heroes of Woodstock" in the Beer Garden of my song "Human Family". CHECK IT OUT, IT IS FUN!! Also check out Robin Ellis Street Dance on YouTube, a performance of my song "Industrial Man" with Tim Alley - Drums and Michael Hopkins, Bass, WAY FUN!! I have always aspired to write thought provoking lyrics with interesting enough chord progressions to keep my peers happy, and yet simple enough to be accessible to any level of listener. Each album I have recorded has its own vibe according to what my mind was going through at the time. My music can be sampled and purchased at robinellisturf.com. "Its hard to want to listen to your own work as an artist because once the work is done, there is an urge to move on from it but whenever I hear my songs unexpectedly, I am always pleased and I always get a positive response from listeners of my songs.
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Current Lineup

Sacha Petulli
Sax, Keys, Backup Vocals
1995 - present