

Slangblossom is a hip-hop group. It's members are P-Nut, Daybi, Wab, and Dj.Yann-Solo. Most people visiting this site know that already. For those who don't there back story is something like this. Daybi once a solo emcee invited P-nut to Montreal to record some songs and start a group and the foundation is laid for what would be the first Slangblossom album. Being seperated and trying to take care of business was not easy. So P-Nut put Daybi in touch with Wab (who is in a group w/P-Nut called Dead Indians). Wab became immeresed in the project and began filling the empty spaces on the album. After putting so much of that Wab-Sauce into the mix he was invited to the group. Fast foward to doing live shows. Someone who can destroy a set of turntables and drop the tracks was needed. DJ.Yann-Solo had been working for years w/Daybi and answered the call. For more info please refer to the group section of the site. If you interested in booking us, doing an interview etc. Download the press kit. If this does not answer you questions or you would like even more info email us we'll be glad to hook you up.

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