
Lisa's Hotcakes

circa 2012 - circa 2014
Lisa’s Hotcakes are from Vancouver but met in Portland. Two of us were in bands years ago, two are new. All of us are part of the synergy that is Lisa’s Hotcakes. And none of us is named Lisa.

Maximum surf garage punk new wave pop rock and roll. That’s our sound expressed as briefly as possible. Or maybe just “rock.” The rest is commentary. We’ve grown up a few times in a few different eras and we have absorbed a lot of music along the way. We all continue to be interested in hearing and making new music, so all those influences fuse into a whole that is greater and different than the sum of its parts.

We are also the most stylish rock band in Vancouver!
Broken Up

Community Events

Past Members

Gisele daSilva
2012 - 2014
Susan Taylor
2012 - 2014
Carmen Wiseman
Bassing and some singing
2012 - 2014
V. Diz (Véronique Noelle)
Guitaring and more singing
2012 - 2014