
Kocassale Dioubate

Instruments: Hand Percussion, traditional african instruments : bolon, balafon, kora, gongoma, flute, ngoni, koni, percussion (djembe, kpanlogogs, kirin, tamani, shekere, etc) details
Kocassale Dioubate, from the Mandingo (or Malinke) tribe of Guinea, West Africa, is a descendant of his tribe’s ‘djeliba’ (also known as griots) – traditional story-tellers, entertainers, musicians, praise singers, counselors, and mediators: those who keep and preserve the tribe’s oral history and tradition, known to have deep connections to the spiritual, social, and political powers. Koca was born into this inherited lineage of arts and entertainment, as well as social skill, and has been playing and creating music, as well as dancing, since his early childhood, ever since he was old enough to walk. Koca was named after his grandfather, Koca Bangora, who was a great musician and was part of the very first and internationally recognized national troupe of Guinea, Les Ballets Africains (Ballets Nationale de Guinee). Living up to his namesake, Koca grew up accompanying and playing with his father, Lansana Dioubate – a well-known djembefola (master drummer) and singer – at ceremonies and events all over Guinea. Under the guidance of these men, Koca learned to play and to build the traditional instruments of their tribe. He quickly became a djembefola himself, not ... more...

Community Events

Current Projects

Kunda African Culture Music & Dance
FOUNDER & COMPOSER; lead vocals, balafon, ngoni, kora, bolon, flute, gongoma, harmonica, percussion (djembe, kpanlogos, kirin), dance
2009 - present

Past Projects

lead vocals, djembe
2006 - 2011
Beresanke Percussion
FOUNDER & COMPOSER; lead vocals, balafon, ngoni, kora, bolon, flute, gongoma, harmonica, percussion (djembe, kpanlogos, kirin), dance
2006 - 2010