

since circa 2003
"Sons of winter and stars – Rise!" This short but significant excerpt of the track "Sons of Winter And Stars" not only is the wake-up call for everyone interested in music, it´s the battle cry of a band that released their self-titled debut album eight long years ago and had had to live up to the highest expectations and pressure of time for the eagerly awaited successor ever since. As "Wintersun" turned out to be a critically-acclaimed masterpiece of musical art, the band unintentionally found themselves facing the situation of having to out-do their previous work, and soon. "I have awaken the darkness Taste the fear! Taste the pain! I am the one who seeks vengeance" 2012 it´s finally time to unleash WINTERSUN´s second full-length album "TIME I2. Over the course of eight years the band have taken both music and visuals to yet another level and while listening to their new effort you´ll be taken on a journey through the doors of time, a journey beyond the stars, beyond the birth of the worlds to an infinite universe. Epic Metal that breaks through the boundaries not only of music, but the universe! The main goal was to make an album that would be really aston... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Jari Mäenpää
Vocals, Guitar
2003 - present
Teemu Mäntysaari
2003 - present
Jukka Koskinen
2003 - present
Kai Hahto
2003 - present