
Carolyn McDonald

Carolyn grew up in a small town in the countryside of Jamaica, and her paintings still show the influence of vibrant colours, varied textures and rhythms of the tropics.

She obtained her B.A in Fine Art and teaching certificate in Ontario, Canada, and subsequently taught art from Kindergarten to college level, in England, Australia, Jamaica and Canada. Her work is often inspired by her travels, but also by the dramatic landscapes of Vancouver Island. She enjoys abstracting and interpreting what she sees so that the viewers will be challenged to fill in their own stories behind the images. Each painting is unique..using the palette and technique that suits the theme. Her paintings mainly focus on landscapes, figures, and abstracts. She works in Acrylic on canvas and Mixed media.

Carolyn has exhibited in B.C., Jamaica and Puerto Rico, and lives at Cherry Point with her husband. She welcomes visitors at her home studio/gallery for the Visions Art Tour from 10 to 4 on June 5th, 6th and 7th 2024, and at other times in the year by appointment.

Come and enjoy the garden and ocean views from her studio.
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