Label: USEr MEdia
since circa 1996
USER materialized in that transitional year of 1996 and wasted no time snortin out the debut disk Semi-Mental Journey. Like the times, Grunge was dead; torture disco rock was flailing everywhere and the roaring 20s object status adulations where packing brains with fast feet attitude, USER was no exception and mirrored the moments.
A very eclectic disc, USER explored many sides of the doomed and rabid with moments that exploded with utter discontent and then light up with a firework display of pure rebellion and symbolic tribal chants.
From Semi-Mental, the video Cyclops was released in 1997 to an international spotlight with rotation on Canada's Much Music to the PULSE in the UK and Comcast networks USA.
Inspired in the summer of 1998, User hits the studio once more and after 10 months of tracking, The LAST dAys of BEauty evolved into 11 battered songs draped in vengeance. User holds nothing back. Mixed by VINCE JONES (Dave Gahan, POD, John Bottomley, and Cowboy Junkies) and with such memorable tracks such as SLAVE, WILTED, HEART ATTACK and INVISIBLE DREAM, The Last Days of Beauty is a bang on Disc that showcases USER as a c...
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22:00 01:00
21:00 02:00