
Dandi Wind

since circa 2003
The following is true:

I was conceived in a tent.
My birthname is Dandilion Wind.
I was born and raised in a cabin without running water, right next to a taxidermy museum housed in a concrete igloo. I lived there for ten years before we drove the 14 hours down to Vancouver. I was impressed by the revolving billboards in the big city because I’d never seen them before.

My music is about all that and where I live now. The downtown eastside of Vancouver is the most depressed slum in Canada; the most junkies per capita in North America but it’s so expensive here there’s nowhere else to go. Currently I live next to the train tracks and the rendering plant where they turn dead pets into glue and give me cancer too (I sing about it. Listen up) Sometimes I escape to Brazil and Japan or Las Vegas and I sing about the slums there too.

I don’t like any new music. I hate mesh ball caps and I especially despise irony.

I made this music because I need to get away from this city and because I have something to offer you don’t find anymore: Charisma. I love to perform and dance and make people dance and FEEL something. I write the lyrics and my partner Szam does all the music. We have performed together as a theatre collective for the past 4 years and have been doing music for a year now. We are nearly finished a self produced 12 track cd / full length dvd album. We have already filmed 5 art music videos and have 2 more on the go (one of which is classical animation!) If we can just get somebody to back us up and we do everything possible to take this project as far as it can be taken.

We are a fantastic live band (look at the photos on our website) and are willing to play everywhere and forever. Just let us know if you have a gig for us.
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