
Dandi Wind

since circa 2003
www.dandiwind.com The following is true: I was conceived in a tent. My birthname is Dandilion Wind. I was born and raised in a cabin without running water, right next to a taxidermy museum housed in a concrete igloo. I lived there for ten years before we drove the 14 hours down to Vancouver. I was impressed by the revolving billboards in the big city because I’d never seen them before. My music is about all that and where I live now. The downtown eastside of Vancouver is the most depressed slum in Canada; the most junkies per capita in North America but it’s so expensive here there’s nowhere else to go. Currently I live next to the train tracks and the rendering plant where they turn dead pets into glue and give me cancer too (I sing about it. Listen up) Sometimes I escape to Brazil and Japan or Las Vegas and I sing about the slums there too. I don’t like any new music. I hate mesh ball caps and I especially despise irony. I made this music because I need to get away from this city and because I have something to offer you don’t find anymore: Charisma. I love to perform and dance and make people dance and FEEL something. I write the lyrics and my partner ... more...
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