
Old Man Gloom

- Old Man Gloom is a supergroup (containing members of Converge, ISIS, Cave In, Zozobra, Doomriders, Mamiffer, etc.), but instead of making shitty records like other
"supergroups", Old Man Gloom actually makes great ones.

- NO is an undeniably great title for an album, and also serves as an ironclad manifesto
in opposition to the moral and aesthetic decay of our global society.

- Old Man Gloom are playing shows in 2012 and 2013, just in time for the collapse of
the global economy.

- The acronym for Old Man Gloom is "OMG". "OMG" has become a household phrase since its introduction in to the popular lexicon in 1999, directly coinciding with the formation of Old Man Gloom the year prior. The group has never been properly credited for this massively important contribution to global culture.

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