
Slim and The Dusters 1995

circa 1995 - circa 2007
Slim & The Dusters grew out of The Hotheads - same three plus Newman Corey - guitar/vocals in early 1995 (The Hotheads existed for half of 1994 I believe, after Harris Gilmore left). The Dusters existed until 2007 but membership changed from 2002 on - first Gary left - Bob & I carried on with several drummers, Tyler Piercy, Bob Grant, - Bob Miron left, Clark Brendon came in on bass with Bob Grant then Paul Nixon (ex Downchild drummer living in Nanaimo), then John Hunter - drums. Packed it in and started fresh in 2008 with John Hunter - drums, Greg Kennedy - bass as Slim & The Deuces. That band still exists - now Dave, John Hunter, George Fenn - bass & Gary Preston - keys, vocals & harp. DH

The Dusters toured Alberta/Sask a couple of times. We opened for several groups locally too - Kim Mitchell, Jason McCoy (Carole Andrews would pick us to open for unusual bills). We hosted jams at Hermanns, The George & Dragon and The JBI. Played several Blues Bashes. Lots of small local gigs too. DH

We recorded at least one cassette and two CDs too, about half original songs. DH
Broken Up

Community Events

Past Members

Bob Miron "Boots"
1995 - 2002
Gary Thompson
1995 - 2002