
Ma Petite

Ma Petite is Melbourne born musician Indiana Avent’s solo project. After spending almost a decade in the music industry playing violin for artists such as Bon Iver, Soko, Dan Mangan, Gotye, Jordan Klassen, Lamplight, Zachary Lucky, and Treelines among others, Avent decided to put her own originals out into the world. Painting a tale of her dreams, experiences and aspirations, the little stories within the songs are brought to life with charmingly honest songwriting. The stories within the songs are brought to life by her band of incredibly talented musicians, who create a whimsical tapestry for Avent’s stories to be told. Avent moved to Canada in early 2011 to record her debut album ‘The road that led me to Fall’, an album written during her time spent in Canada in 2010. The concept was to create a cross collaboration project, encompassing Avent’s own unique Australian style, while capturing the essence of the Canadian independent folk/singer songwriter scene, which along with the vast natural beauty of Canada, influenced and inspired many of the songs on the album. This vision came to life with the help of Vancouver based Producer Paul Beochler and a plethora of... more...

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