

Stephanie are music for the mind, as much as the heart. After getting together in 2009, the glamorous art rockers released their debut works - a grimy, self titled cassette introducing the world to the group’s vibrant, thick sound: mechanical, epic pop music that bites its listener for every moment that it exposes a glorious side of refreshing beauty. The band’s live shows, which started as drum machine propelled dance parties, have bloomed over time, into intense exposures to dynamic, emotional swirls of sound. While the anticipation continued to build for new music from the group, Stephanie toured the West coast, scattered singles to acclaimed local and national response, and added live drums to their arsenal.

The band’s latest batch of songs builds on the infectious platform of their early music, propelling the already powerful peaks higher and higher. Recording with Seattle sound guru Erik Blood, the band’s first full-length album, “One Glove” (out early 2012) is a breakthrough. The moving collection of strong pop anthems reveals many sides of the band’s strengths. Explosive at all times, the band shifts from glittery, keyboard driven moments, flourished with gripping, sobbing vocals, only to turn on a dime, and barrage a listener with a razor sharp noise wall. The encounter of a four-minute Stephanie song is the band showing you everything it’s working with. Like a body flipped inside out, the swirl of sound and noise is like the revealing of a raw skeleton covered in organic, colorful vessels & muscles.

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