
Frequency Fall

since circa 2002
"Very melodic and catchy in a may-the-world-be-damned kind of way" - repliq.net

"Immense talent and the songs really are good" - New Music West 2003

If the members of Radiohead copulated with a robot Mars Volta cover band while Jeff Buckley played softly in the background, the progeny would most certainly be Frequency Fall. Based out of Vancouver, Canada, Frequency Fall constantly tests the limits of alternative rock sensibilities. Their approach to rock is simple...that rock itself shouldn't be quite so simple.

Through internet exposure, live shows and strong word-of-mouth Frequency Fall managed to sell copies of 2003's 'Resensitize' CD on all seven of the world's continents. Their new disc, 'Volition', is a giant step forward for the band melodically and harmonically and is sure to surpass the success of its predecessor. At the September 2004 release show for 'Volition', patrons were being turned away at the door and the first shipment of the disc soldout within hours - sure signs of the building buzz surrounding this band.

The live shows played by the band continue to elicit much the same response from audience members: "Intense". The ability of the band members shines through in live situations and the raw energy of their tunes raises even the most jaded eyebrow in the venue. It's a classic case of cerebral infiltration, one set of ears at a time.

Turn on your brain. Press play.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Unnamed Artist
Guitar, Vocals