
Larrie Forbes

My brother John is retired from full time engagements.The past 10 years he has spent as the BC Regional Director of Music grading all the cadet bands and conducting the Honor Band on tour. He goes south every 6 months. but continues to play, and guest conduct with the Nanaimo Concert Band, along with several retired musician buddies when we all played in the Naden Band. I don't play as much now, although have done guest apperances at functions as a blast from the past. My son Michael Forbes, of the Forbes & Marshall show on the Ocean 98.5 FM has also kept me up to date. They recently interviewed David Foster when he was in town , and had a good chuckle about when David played at the Old Forge with Barry Casson, before we started our nightly 12 year stint after leaving the Empress Paint Cellar. Joining Re/max in 1990, Larrie continues his career as a Realtor with Re/Max-All Points Realty Group in Coquitlam, BC. After leaving "The Brothers Forbes" and The Old Forge nightclub at the Strathcona Hotel in Victoria, Larrie went to Montreal to work for a precious metals company in the s... more...

Community Events

Past Projects

The Talismen
Brothers Forbes
1968 - 1983
The Jays