
Bullets in Overdrive

Label: Unsigned
since circa 2006
t is not easy to find like-minded boys and girls that dream the same dreams, but Jordan, Michelle, Brandon and Kelsey were meant to be together from the very start. This Vancouver band is recognized for it’s mix of talented male and female music artists, who are youthful, yet highly experienced in the music industry.

Their combined passion for music bring together the phenomenon that makes Bullets In Overdrive so different and unique. This easily becomes the foundation of this pop rock band’s explosive presence and chemistry on stage, not to say that having girls in the band who know how to rock out while playing live music isn’t a treat! It’s easy to say that these kids know what it takes to be male / female rock stars... and that’s exactly what they are. If you’re looking for a band to follow in the coming year of 2011, look no further.

Booking Contact:
Clyde Hill / Magnetized Management
Broken Up

Community Events

22:00 02:00

Last Lineup

Jordan Armstrong
Vox & Guitar
2006 - The End
Kelsey Pothier
2006 - The End
Brandon Armstrong
2006 - The End
Michelle Devera
Lead Guitar
2006 - The End