
The Shanna Dance Quartet

since circa 2011
The Quartet is a young group of jazz enthusiasts with a lot of talent. Shanna Dance has a unique voice. She can capture the beauty of a soft folk song, keep the purity of an old jazz standard, and belt a soul tune. Evan Crofton is a young jazz pianist with immense talent, style and creativity. Alias powell is the backbone of the group, a great bass player with lots of energy and vigor. Dave Hyldig is a very talented drummer and guitar player. He spices up the group with new inventive rhythms. Come out and hear us:)

The group features: Shanna Dance (voice), Evan Crofton (keys), Alias Powell (Bass), and Dave Hyldig (drums)

With guests: Erin Dwyer (Sax), and Chance Lovett (voice).

Community Events

Current Lineup

Shanna Dance
2011 - present
Evan Crofton
2011 - present
Alias Powell
2011 - present
dave hyldig "Hilldig"
2011 - present
Erin Dwyer
2011 - present
Chance Lovett
2011 - present