
Bryan Kelly

Instruments: Drums, Guitar, cowbell!!!!!! details
Hey, I just got back from music school!

Been playing music for 20 years, drums for about 6 years. 4 years of steady gigging, plus 2 years of school! Interested in playing pop, rock, r&b, blues, funk..etc etc. I'll play Latin percussion too, i can play a mean cowbell. I'm not too interested in helping noisy screamo-pop bands write songs, I just want to play good tunes with good players.

If you need a drummer who will actually listen, and play the damn song and not just the drums, call me up. I'm still growing as a player and I want challenges.

I'm diligent and reliable, totally not a burnout. I'm absolutely in touch with my abilities. If I say I'll be able to execute something live, I'll be able to. If I say I can't, believe me it'll suck live! I remember feels, tempos, stuff like that. I can write charts. I play guitar too, so I understand the non-drummer perspective. I've got an ear for pitch & harmony that'll make your head spin too....so I can help you work out parts.

I've done weddings, pubs, clubs, corporate parties, etc.

I want to do some paid gigs, so if you need a drummer, drop me a line!

Community Events

Current Projects

the Timebenders
2008 - present