
Steve Ignorant presents The Last Supper CRASS songs 1977-1984

Crass were an English anarcho-punk band, formed in 1977 and based around Dial House, an open house community near Epping, Essex, England. In contrast to The Sex Pistols ‘anarchy’, Crass’ attitude was more directly influenced by libertarian socialist philosophy and anarchism’s nineteenth century roots. In the process they promoted anarchism as a legitimate political ideology, way of living, and as a resistance movement , popularizing the seminal peace punk movement and touching on such overtly political issues as anti-consumerism, direct action, feminism, pacifism, anti-corporatism, environmentalism, anti-globalization, anti-racism, religious power, and squatting. Taking literally the punk manifesto of “Do It Yourself”, Crass combined the use of sound collage, graphics, song, film, and subversion to launch a sustained and innovative critical broadside against all that they saw as a culture built on foundations of war, violence, sexism, prejudice, capitalism, religious hypocrisy and unthinking consumerism. They were also critical of what they perceived as the flaws of the punk movement itself, as well as wider youth culture in general. Crass were amongst the progeni... more...

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