

They're still so new they have only played one live show, but they're about to go on tour with Egyptian Hip Hop and Veronica Falls. Oh, and they're not yuck at all, they're pretty good. We've been talking for the last year or so about a shoegazing revival, and Yuck do fit in with some of those outfits – only their version of shoegazing resonates with memories of the American bands of the late 1980s and early 1990s (Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr), or at least the British ones who wanted to be American (Teenage Fanclub, Swervedriver). They've got a song called Operation that sounds so much like the Youth's Teenage Riot, Thurston et al might sue if they weren't slackers entirely at odds with the concept of ownership, while another track, Georgia, is so Creation 1992 Alan McGee ... won't sue either because it's only rock'n'roll and he likes it, likes it, yes he does (rumour has it that McGee's next Guardian.co.uk/music blog is, in fact, a strenuous defence of Rolling Stones between Goat's Head Soup and Black and Blue). The ballad Automatic is spartan yet spectral, like something Spiritualized might have done to conflate religiosity and druggy devotion. Suck is also slow, like a Gram Parso... more...

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