

God loves little Children, Combat Medics, Retarded people...and Guttermouth. Throughout the course of their Lives the members of Guttermouth have respectively survived a myriad of the most heinous of messed up ailments that biology can inflict upon one group of Punk Rock Miscreants: a drunk driving incident where a telephone pole fell upon a member and crushed his spleen, lungs, chest, and broke both femurs (Mark); a bout with Necrotizing fasciitis (fleash eating Streptococcus) which almost claimed a member's lower leg and life (Mark, and Kevin); an infected Abcess of the tonsils, the disease that killed George Washington (Ryan); Recurent Anaphylaxia from an unknown allergen that continues to plague him to this day (Ryan); Strabismus, (commonly known as lazy eye) a condition where the eyes are typically not aligned with each other causing incurable vertigo (Don); Cytopenia: A condition where blood flow to the lower extremitiies is constricted to the point of Paresthesia (numb legs * Scott) and Alcoholism, a condition where too many Newcastle brown ales cause you to hit on ugly fat girls and listen to "The Cult" on your Ipod at 4:30 in the morning while your roomate is trying to sle... more...

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