
Tony Kevin Jr.

"Tony Kevin Jr the musician is a repercussion of what happens when a beautifully broken heart collides like a train wreak and fuses itself with the aching visions of humanity. The result of this marriage between heart and humanity is an unadulterated vow to create something that bridges the chasm between despair and hope.

It's like a peaceful escape from the hectic outside back inward. Especially in a day and age when music sounds like disco being raped in a dark alley-way. Tony Kevin reminds us of ordinary things that become beautiful again because we go through them together. Suddenly we're not so alone anymore. He invites us into an experience of revealing truths, where we have a chance to breath again.

All that being said, Tony is a simple bard who through his burden the pains and joys of others he writes a music that our ears and our soul is nourished by."

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